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Book of Knowledge Meaning in Js Prom

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JS Prom, a night of glitz and glamour
February 15, 6:00 pm

The much-anticipated evening of every high school students, the Junior-Senior Prom had set the night in glitz and glamour as the grade 9 and grade 10 promenades stunned the crowd with elegance and masculinity.

The processional marked the start of the program. Promenades paved the way from the entrance of the PNSB covered court gate and walked all the way to the front section of the court then proceed to the center carrying themselves with poise and grace.

While the masters of the ceremony, Mr. Alemar Villanueva and Ms. Marian Rose Ferranco presented one-by-one each promenade in the entourage, gave a short description of his/her qualities and then gave an elaborate description of the kind of attire the promenade was wearing. This way a person who is blind or partially seeing will be able to picture in his mind the suit the person is wearing including its type, color, and style.

Moreover, the moment has come as each pair of promenades executed their final round of walk in their splendid gowns and classy suits and ties as the judges took one last look at each promenade that possesses the confidence and the charm to be king and queen of the night.

The ceremony continued with the lighting of the candles led by grade 9 student, Marco Lucero and followed by the invocation led by grade 10 student Homer Garcia.

Furthermore, the time for the turnover of responsibilities and acceptance came. Grade 9 and grade 10 students declared their pledges as the seniors transferred the torch of learning, the key of responsibilities, and the book of knowledge to its successors the juniors who gladly accepted the challenge of the seniors.

After the poignant passing down of articles responsibilities of the seniors to the juniors, Sir Ian Carrion gave his opening remarks. It was followed by a song number rendered by the promenades most especially to their parents who steadfastly supported them all throughout their high school years.

The most thrilling moment of the prom has come roller coaster of emotions astounded every promenade as Jaime Ann Ladonga brought them the brilliant and well thought of Class Prophecy-foretelling every single future career possible for each senior dreamed to become 10 years from now.

After the heart-warming prophecy had been foretold, the promenades gave their all to perform their cotillion where their utmost elegance and grace was put to the test.

Finally, the ceremony ended with the encouraging message from our school principal, Mrs. Corazon B. Salvador who admonished the promenades and their parents to carry on in educating their child with visual impairment because jobs are being prepared for them as inclusive society is beginning to realize.

A sumptuous buffet dinner was served and soon all tummies were contented and satisfied.

As the dusk of night approaches, the second part of the prom had just began. The moment of truth echoed thru the night. Who has reaped his and her hard work? Who has earned the most votes?

The top-notch award was grabbed by Grade 10 students, Gabriel Benitez and Lyka Crebillo  were crowned the King and Queen of the Night while Jaime Ann Ladonga and Nomer Rogelio were declared the Dancing King and Queen. The chosen Trendsetter of the night, Kathleen Nicole Lira wowed the crowd with her dazzling  21st century look and finally, Ayessa de Fiesta who looked stunning on her violet gown was awarded Best in Dress as she obviously captivated the crowd with her elegant yet prim demeanor and appearance.

After a moment of thrilling excitement and awe, the promenades enjoyed dancing and prancing with friends 'till midnight under the beat of music and the glitz of lights,

Indeed, JS Promenade experience is the most splendid time in our high school life. it is a night marked with timeless memories where we wore our princess-like gowns or suits and ties like royalties we see in Korea novels. It is when we are at our best glitz and glamour ever.

Book of Knowledge Meaning in Js Prom
